Saturday, June 6, 2009

Install Slideshow Creator - Created by Yubis IT Solutions

Modules Needed:
1. Slideshow Creator -
dl link:
2. jQuery_plugin -
dl link:

Steps(Using drupal 6.x):
1. Site Configuration => Input format=> Configure => Tick SlideShow
2. Create a page => insert codes example in reference below to the "Body" section

Sample Code(for Testing):
[slideshow: 2, img=|||Drupal|The ultimate CMS. Download it now!|Drupal|, img=|||MySQL|Free and reliable SQL server and client.|_self|, dir=|files/|yes||Generic Photos|Arent they great?||]

To create a directory for images included in the slideshow:
(suppose the images placed in www\drupaltest\sites\default\files\frontpage_slideshow)

[slideshow: 2, rotate=6, blend=3, dir=|/frontpage_slideshow/|yes||Generic Photos|Aren't they great?||]

Other attributes can be shown in the README.TXT

README.TXT in the module folder

Reference Link:

Install Slider - Text

Modules Needed:
Slider - dl link:

Steps(Using Drupal 6.x):
1. Install modules
2. Add content type:
Administer => Content M
anagement => Content Type => Add
Slider Parent Node (slider_parent_node) , Slider Content (slider_content)

3. Slider Parent Node C
onfigure => Add field =>
slider_content(Type:node_reference, configure=>Tick Slider Content)
4. Site Configuration => Slider => Tick Slider_Parent_Node
5. Create content => Slider content => type sth like what you do in a pag
6. Create content => Slider Parent Node => like Step 5 but highlight the slider content node to be included in "input format" section
7. Finish

Other Example:

Friday, June 5, 2009

Install getid3 module

Like FCKeditor, we need to download the actual engine together with the Drupal module to make it work.

After standard procedure to install a module, download the getid3 engine from Then, go to admin/site config/getID3. Confirm the path to include the getid3 engine. Then, decompress the getid3 engine just downloaded and put the getid3 folder to the path you entered.

Install FCK editor

FCKeditor is a great tool for you to make page layout. You don't want to make a page with many different fields like images/links/bullets/font style and so on. FCK editor helps to format your page. The text area input box will become the Word-like editor for easy formatting.
To install it, download Drupal module from Drupal website. Extract it to sites/all/modules as usual. However, the fckeditor contains another folder called fckeditor. What to put inside this secondary fckeditor?
Download the actual FCKeditor files to fckeditor/fckeditor. ( It is suggested to remove the _sample/ directory when copying.
After that, install the module. You'll see admin/site config/FCKeditor when finish.

Thursday, June 4, 2009

The Making of gallery

Way to make a simple gallery. First, download the Image module from Durpal website. In admin/site config/, you'll find the one of "Images". Select "Image import".

Then, input the correct path which contain the pictures you wanna include in your gallery. Note the photos there will be removed away after Drupal copy them to sites/default/files/images. Press save config if ready.

Then, click "import" from the message box and you'll see a list of pictures you've just uploaded. Add title (title of the page, displayed on top of page and on browser top) and body (i.e. text below the picture)

Select the photo gallery (i.e. the album) to include all of these pages.

You can click on the links to see how the pages look.

* To create a gallery (i.e. an album), click: Admin/Content Management/Image galleries/Add galleries
** Root gallery can include its child galleries. Remember to mark the root gallery for the children. (Ref. site addr: http://localhost/drupal-6.12/image)
*** To set the thumbnail's size, click: admin/site config/images/files and sizes

CCK - Content type

After installed with CCK, I can create my own content type. For example, if I want to make a gallery. Inside the gallery, I'll have each discrete page such that a picture is followed by a short description. I could create a content type called "Picture" and include a image field.

In fact, I could install another module: "Image". This does the task I described. After installed such module, click Create content/image

Add new themes

We want to make our own themes with designated background, theme color and logos. To add a theme, what we need to do is to create a package for this theme. Copy the existing theme from drupal/modules to drupal/sites/all/themes/

The folder containing the theme should match the name for the .info file inside the package. Modify the first line of the info file for NAME field to whatever human-readable name you call it.

After that, you'll see the new theme in Home/Administer/Site building/Themes/.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Make an index page

For every website, there's an index page. Many ways to do this in Drupal. What I use is like this:

1. Go to Create Content/Page
2. Input the title, body for this page.

3. Under publishing options, select Promoted to front page

4. Click Save

When you press Home again, you'll be directed to the page you just made

Install Modules

Many Drupal Modules are available in Drupal. They can be downloaded from: After downloading Drupal modules, decompress them and place them into sites/all/modules. The Drupal modules can be seen from Home/Administer/Site building/modules page of Drupal.

** Similarly, to install a theme, place the theme into sites/all/themes

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Unable to locate the Database with Drupal

When I tried to locate the database location with Drupal, it keeps on asking me to input this information. I tried so many times and still with the same troublesome message.

Here gives me the solution:

This happens if I lazily rename the default.settings.php into settings.php. In fact, I should have copied this file and rename it to settings.php. Never directly renaming the file or else the database message keeps on showing.

Monday, June 1, 2009

Install Drupal 6.12 with WAMP2.0h on Windows XP

Today I just started installing Drupal using WAMP2.0h. Installing WAMP2.0 is not a problem. It's as easy as clicking a button. Based on the default WAMP setting, we needa enable Curl and GD on PHP, and mod-rewrite in Apache server. Enable by left-clicking the WAMP icon near the clock, select PHP/Apache and then select the corresponding features.

Next, open a database for Drupal and the corresponding login account.

Open a browser for http://localhost and find Drupal. Installation process is then started. Simply type in the database and login information for your Drupal site and that's all.

Finished Drupal Site. mod-rewrite is needed for Clean URLs which helps in eliminating "?q" in URLs.